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A review about Cyberix3D on Ticeman

Published on Thursday, 02 April 2015 12:10

Cyberix3D Gamemaker: create 3D video games for PC and android without programming 

Good service of its kind begins to develop successfully, but while still in Beta it continues to advance and improve. In addition to creating games with complex functionality easily, it allows to learn the basics of programming and develop games with advanced technical requirements beyond the simple things.

Experienced programmers will recognize similarities to other online programs
such as Scratch.

The interface is quite simple because it goes directly to the game itself.
Different elements available on the sidebar, and are fully customized.

Each element is fully configurable and any actions show up by clicking on the item and then setting various properties. There is no need to write code lines at any time. To add and configure many elements may take some time, but it is quite simple to duplicate, copy and paste items.

The program itself couldn't be simpler. The elements of action and animation are on the sidebar and you just need to move them as themselves. Each element can be fitted into another, which makes the programming very fine.

Variables can be used so you can create very complex games, especially if you are more advanced user, but beginners will enjoy themselves with classical conditions such as "if" such a key is pressed something happens.

The process is much like what you can find in scratch and most of this kind of software.

Professional or experienced programmers, and those who want to see the results of what they produced with the help of GUI programming code form, can view the source and modify it if they wish.

The service is quite rich and allows you to export your game to Flash or Android, and distribute it through various communication channels. Either you upload the dedicated SWF directly to a game service and access it online, or export your game directly to APK and install it on your phone. And it works.

The original review in French