A simple ladder, you walk up to it and climb by holding forward.
It's open source so you can use this in your projects.
Unfortunately the climb logic will have to be in every individual
ladder, as when I tried making it based in the player it wouldn't work.
For recreating this mechanic in your projects, make sure player collision shape
is set to capsule. I will update my Cyberix Parkour game to include this as it
is box shaped, which is very glitchy with the climb detection.
I will probably update this example to be more dynamic, with the player gravity
being disabled, and being able to go down the ladder as well.
Once finished, expect a tutorial on the Cyberix3D Community Channel.
What do you guys think? Some games have the ladder disable horizontal movement,
should I keep it? Or will it be too easy to fall off the ladder?
Enjoy Snake Eaters!