Hello all,
In the list below you can see our future plans on Cyberix3D.
Please take in count that Cyberix3D is not a commercial company and we are working on it as a hobby on our free time.
We are now working on
⚫ Multiplayer support
Status: In progress
⚫ Scoring System
Status: In progress
Our plans for the future
⚫ Particle emitter.
Status: On hold
⚫ Add object pool mechanism that will increase performance for loading/running the games and will also solve the bug "The Cyberix3D is out of resources".
⚫ Implement assets compression to decrease loading time.
⚫ Quick commands + multiple selection
⚫ Add support for android games to work off-line.
⚫ Android monetization through advertising.
⚫ Game scoring systems
⚫ Drag 'n' Drop support for objects
⚫ Fog support
⚫ Save / Load game support
⚫ Export to iOS
⚫ Physics ragdoll (
view example)
⚫ Path finding feature
⚫ Animation editor
⚫ Building racing tracks and make opponent cars that follow the racing track
Cyberix3D team