Function parameters would be great to have, like if there is a function to teleport a cube somewhere there could be 3 parameters, cubeX, cubeY, and cubeZ. You type the parameter names into the Function block and enter the chosen values into a Call block, in the places of their corresponding parameters. Then the Call block would call the teleport function and send it the parameter values and it would set the cube's X value to the value entered as the cubeX parameter in the Call block, and same with the Y and Z.
function(name="teleport", param1="cubeX", param2="cubeY", param3="cubeZ")
Set(var="cube.x" value="cubeX")
Set(var="cube.y" value="cubeY")
Set(var="cube.z" value="cubeZ")
Call(function="teleport", param1="9000", param2="2000", param3="0")
[sets cube.x to 9000, cube.y to 2000, and cube.z to 0]
Please add parameters for functions, that would be great.