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TOPIC: Rotation Problem

Rotation Problem 1 year 9 months ago #3112

I've been working on a new movement system for both third person and first person and I keep running into this problem where if the player (in this case a cylinder) rotates beyond 90 degrees it starts rotating fast like crazy.

I'm not sure if this is a bug but I need some help fixing.

Here in the video you can see in the top left, when the rotation goes beyond 90 it'll start glitching out:

Source code:
<GameMaker3D original="0" use2dHierarchy="1" guid="ED90DB4A-33AB-CE4A-A723-A157F6B1239C">
  <Level name="thirdperson" isCollapse="0">
    <SkyBox right="right.jpg" left="left.jpg" top="top.jpg" bottom="bottom.jpg" front="front.jpg" back="back.jpg" guid="D26F7083-456E-FF05-0FA0-A1588A382FA0" name="SkyBox1"/>
    <Plane collision="1" static="1" guid="D591363E-31AE-330F-F58A-A158A6DDD6E7" castShadowsEnable="1" name="ground" xAxis="0" yAxis="0" zAxis="0" scaleX="10" scaleY="10" scaleZ="10"/>
    <Cylinder collision="1" static="1" guid="1C387862-5BF3-D356-EB56-A159BA29BCA6" castShadowsEnable="1" x="0" y="-8" z="0" scaleX="0.4" scaleY="0.8" scaleZ="0.4" yAxis="60" name="player" isCollapse="0" visible="1">
      <Loop isCollapse="1">
        <IfKey key="W" isCollapse="1">
          <Set var="localRotationY" value="camera.rotationY"/>
          <Set var="input.text" value="W" isCollapse="1"/>
        <IfKey key="A" isCollapse="1">
          <Set var="localRotationY" value="camera.rotationY-90" isCollapse="1"/>
          <Set var="input.text" value="A" isCollapse="1"/>
        <IfKey key="D" isCollapse="1">
          <Set var="localRotationY" value="camera.rotationY+90"/>
          <Set var="input.text" value="D" isCollapse="1"/>
        <IfKey key="S" isCollapse="1">
          <Set var="localRotationY" value="camera.rotationY-180"/>
          <Set var="input.text" value="S"/>
      <Cube collision="1" static="1" castShadowsEnable="1" name="look_dir" height="15" x="0" y="83.65" z="141.02" width="25" depth="200"/>
    <Cube collision="0" static="1" castShadowsEnable="1" name="cam_target" isCollapse="1" scaleY="0.2" scaleZ="0.2" scaleX="0.2" x="0.00" y="0.00" z="0.00" copyDir="Same Position">
      <Loop isCollapse="1">
        <Set var="x" value="player.x"/>
        <Set var="y" value="player.y+50"/>
        <Set var="z" value="player.z"/>
      <Comment comment="what the camera will rotate towards"/>
    <Cube collision="0" static="1" castShadowsEnable="1" name="cam_pos" isCollapse="1" scaleY="0.2" scaleZ="0.2" scaleX="0.2">
      <Loop isCollapse="1">
        <Comment comment="cam rot inputs"/>
        <IfKey key="L" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationY" value="2"/>
        <IfKey key="J" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationY" value="-2"/>
        <IfKey key="I" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationX" value="2"/>
        <IfKey key="K" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationX" value="-2"/>
        <Comment comment="cameraXYZ = thisXYZ"/>
        <Set var="camera.y" value="cam_pos.y"/>
        <Set var="camera.x" value="cam_pos.x"/>
        <Set var="camera.z" value="cam_pos.z"/>
        <Comment comment="thisXYZ = playerXYZ"/>
        <Set var="x" value="player.x"/>
        <Set var="y" value="player.y"/>
        <Set var="z" value="player.z"/>
        <Set var="translateZ" value="-1000"/>
        <Set var="cam_pos.rotationX"/>
    <OnReady isCollapse="1">
      <CameraController name="cam" mouseLock="1" forceFullScreen="1" controllerType="lookAt" lookAtObject="cam_target"/>
    <Label name="camrot_x_display" text="x" isCollapse="1" x="0"/>
    <Label name="camrot_y_display" text="y" isCollapse="1" x="0.00" y="10.00" copyDir="Same Position"/>
    <Label name="camrot_x_stats" x="10.00" isCollapse="1">
        <Set var="camrot_x_stats.text" value="cam_pos.rotationX"/>
    <Label name="camrot_y_stats" x="10.00" isCollapse="1" y="10.00" copyDir="Same Position">
        <Set value="cam_pos.rotationY" var="camrot_y_stats.text"/>
    <Message name="controls" text="IJKL to control camera&#xD;WASD to Move"/>
    <Label name="input" y="25.00"/>
Last Edit: 1 year 9 months ago by Symbiotic Interactives.
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Rotation Problem 1 year 9 months ago #3114

  • cyberix3d
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When it comes to applying rotation to a collision object, it can pose some difficulties.
Therefore, we recommend using the "Rotate Towards" command instead.

To illustrate this, please refer to the following example:
<GameMaker3D original="1" use2dHierarchy="1" guid="9580753E-744F-D43D-5770-DC6C19E1F439">
  <Level name="thirdperson" isCollapse="0">
    <SkyBox right="right.jpg" left="left.jpg" top="top.jpg" bottom="bottom.jpg" front="front.jpg" back="back.jpg" guid="D26F7083-456E-FF05-0FA0-A1588A382FA0" name="SkyBox1"/>
    <Plane collision="1" static="1" guid="D591363E-31AE-330F-F58A-A158A6DDD6E7" castShadowsEnable="1" name="ground" xAxis="0" yAxis="0" zAxis="0" scaleX="10" scaleY="10" scaleZ="10"/>
    <Cylinder guid="1C387862-5BF3-D356-EB56-A159BA29BCA6" castShadowsEnable="1" x="0" y="-8" z="0" scaleX="0.4" scaleY="0.8" scaleZ="0.4" yAxis="60" name="player" isCollapse="0" visible="1">
      <Loop isCollapse="0">
        <IfKey key="W" isCollapse="0">
          <Set var="input.text" value="W" isCollapse="1"/>
          <RotateTowards targetObject="Camera" yAngle="1" xAngle="0" zAngle="0" rotationY="180"/>
        <IfKey key="A" isCollapse="0">
          <RotateTowards targetObject="Camera" yAngle="1" xAngle="0" zAngle="0" rotationY="90"/>
          <Set var="input.text" value="A" isCollapse="1"/>
        <IfKey key="D" isCollapse="0">
          <RotateTowards targetObject="Camera" yAngle="1" xAngle="0" zAngle="0" rotationY="-90"/>
          <Set var="input.text" value="D" isCollapse="1"/>
        <IfKey key="S" isCollapse="0">
          <RotateTowards targetObject="Camera" yAngle="1" xAngle="0" zAngle="0"/>
          <Set var="input.text" value="S"/>
      <Cube collision="1" static="1" castShadowsEnable="1" name="look_dir" height="15" x="0" y="83.65" z="141.02" width="25" depth="200" guid="6AFE7FA9-206A-68EE-050B-DC606C057B34"/>
    <Cube collision="0" static="1" castShadowsEnable="1" name="cam_target" isCollapse="0" scaleY="0.2" scaleZ="0.2" scaleX="0.2" x="0.00" y="0.00" z="0.00" copyDir="Same Position" guid="5F79478B-B51B-EC7C-7D41-DC606C05083C">
      <Loop isCollapse="0">
        <Set var="x" value="player.x"/>
        <Set var="y" value="player.y+50"/>
        <Set var="z" value="player.z"/>
      <Comment comment="what the camera will rotate towards"/>
    <Cube collision="0" static="1" castShadowsEnable="1" name="cam_pos" isCollapse="0" scaleY="0.2" scaleZ="0.2" scaleX="0.2" guid="012299C7-288E-4618-76B1-DC606C0E54F5">
      <Loop isCollapse="0">
        <Comment comment="cam rot inputs"/>
        <IfKey key="L" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationY" value="2"/>
        <IfKey key="J" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationY" value="-2"/>
        <IfKey key="I" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationX" value="2"/>
        <IfKey key="K" isCollapse="1">
          <Increment var="cam_pos.rotationX" value="-2"/>
        <Comment comment="cameraXYZ = thisXYZ"/>
        <Set var="camera.y" value="cam_pos.y"/>
        <Set var="camera.x" value="cam_pos.x"/>
        <Set var="camera.z" value="cam_pos.z"/>
        <Comment comment="thisXYZ = playerXYZ"/>
        <Set var="x" value="player.x"/>
        <Set var="y" value="player.y"/>
        <Set var="z" value="player.z"/>
        <Set var="translateZ" value="-1000"/>
        <Set var="cam_pos.rotationX"/>
    <OnReady isCollapse="1">
      <CameraController name="cam" mouseLock="1" forceFullScreen="1" controllerType="lookAt" lookAtObject="cam_target"/>
    <Label name="camrot_x_display" text="x" isCollapse="1" x="0" guid="2CEB74A8-D048-85FC-63B1-DC606C2C4E69"/>
    <Label name="camrot_y_display" text="y" isCollapse="1" x="0.00" y="10.00" copyDir="Same Position" guid="ED63E066-573C-A684-6CBE-DC606C2DE259"/>
    <Label name="camrot_x_stats" x="10.00" isCollapse="1" guid="9EBC76D4-3C86-38D3-F359-DC606C2D5367">
        <Set var="camrot_x_stats.text" value="cam_pos.rotationX"/>
    <Label name="camrot_y_stats" x="10.00" isCollapse="1" y="10.00" copyDir="Same Position" guid="9FC73819-B6A8-F543-7141-DC606C30D425">
        <Set value="cam_pos.rotationY" var="camrot_y_stats.text"/>
    <Message name="controls" text="IJKL to control camera&#xD;WASD to Move" guid="3C3AC39C-53B7-965A-CD55-DC606C3835AB"/>
    <Label name="input" y="25.00" guid="084E76FD-4C0A-B0E9-9838-DC606C39DF40"/>

Best regards,
The Cyberix3D Team
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Rotation Problem 1 year 9 months ago #3115

Thank you so much it works perfectly!

Here's how it looks now with added movement:

Still needs work before releasing but I'm happy with how it is.
Last Edit: 1 year 9 months ago by Symbiotic Interactives.
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Rotation Problem 1 year 9 months ago #3116

  • cyberix3d
  • cyberix3d's Avatar
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It's great to hear that your game featuring a dynamic third-person controller is progressing well.
We are confident that it will turn out fantastic with the additional improvements you're implementing.
Keep up the excellent work!
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