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TOPIC: Path finding,Jumpscares,tools and more!

Path finding,Jumpscares,tools and more! 5 days 23 hours ago #3436

Hello Cyberix users and Team! Not sure if my last post was uploaded (Very new to using the forum part of this site) But I am making a game that I want to publish to steam!

My game is a first person maze game. The goal is to avoid monsters,collect keys,unlocking doors and beat levels. It is very similar to pacman and/or Baldi's Basics. However,making this game will require a few things that I am not sure how to do.

Let's start with how the game will look. Right now everything is bright and I would love for everything to be dark. Afterall it is a horror game.

Next would be the monsters and their pathfinding. The code names for these monsters are Chaser,Charger,Blocker and Searcher

Chaser would chase the player,only defense player has against them is by flashing a flashlight in it's face,causing it to freeze for a few seconds.
Charger would wonder around until it comes in contact with the Player. Then it would charger straight ahead till it hits the wall or the player.
Blocker cannot hurt the player but he will block a path. These areas being labeled as "Blocker_Spawn_" Where he will go is randomized.
And Searcher is similar to Charger,except he only wonders around the maze aimlessly. If any of the monsters (Except blocker) catches the Player,a jumpscare would play and the game would be over.

The Flashlight would have limited battery,it will go down as you wonder around but will run lower at a faster rate if you shine it. I might include batteries in the game so the player has a better chance at surviving.

Now for the keys.

Keys would never spawn in one area. Just like blocker,they keys will move around in an area labeled as "Key_Spawn_" Some levels will require more than one key so I plan on only having the "Goal_Key" move around. Also I need some kind of way to let the player know if they grabbed a key or how many keys are in a level. Something like "0/3 keys" in the top right corner.

Next thing I need is a goal post. I might be able to figure this one out but learning would be better!

Lastly (As for now) Would be a proper menu. I'm building off of Cyberix Team's Menu example and it's working great! But if I want this to be a steam game,I need a menu with the play button,settings (Which I pretty much already have. Maybe just a few more settings options?) How to play,story,and exit.

That's pretty much all I need to know! Let me know if you can give teach me a few of these things or if you have any ideas to improve the game! Thank you all!
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Path finding,Jumpscares,tools and more! 5 days 12 hours ago #3438

  • whinter
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  • Hi, I try to make cool games for the community
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I think it would be very good to add some riddles to get the keys.
(that is, the player needs to solve the riddle to get the key)
for example, mathematical riddles
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Path finding,Jumpscares,tools and more! 4 days 20 hours ago #3439

When it comes to collecting keys or batteries and unlocking doors, the basic Cyberix tutorials are a good start.

With the lights you can configure the strength of the lights via the "diffuse" parameter, and control the strength and color of shadows/ambient lights via the ambient parameters. You can find out more about lights here.

Pathfinding NPCs is not officially supported but you can implement a custom kind of pathfinding using raycasts or alternative methods. There is an old thread where we discussed possible ways to implement this and an example provided by GODEBEX here.

Not to make any promises but I'm considering creating an example of pathfinding in the near future.

The initial idea I have for freezing the Chaser is first having an invisible trigger that is in front of the player at all times, and checks if the Chaser is within the xyz position + the size of the trigger. Then if the Chaser is in the trigger, add a "Stop" codeblock assuming it's using physics for it's movement like the NPC coding in the Cyberix FPS Template. Example of triggers

Although for NPCs I recommend building a custom one off the Character Codeblock since the Template NPC doesn't have limits to it's speed so it'll continue to accelerate but that's also easy to fix by itself anyway. In that case with the Character codeblock based NPC, you can set it's speed to 0 when freezing with the flashlight.

The Charger & the Searcher finding the player or areas the Blocker would block the path of can be achieved with the pathfinding solution mentioned earlier. Maybe when freezing the Charger, enable a barrier within the charger so that the player doesn't go around the Charger?

For the Flashlight, I'd add a Loop codeblock, a Wait codeblock set to 1 second, and an Increment codeblock with it's value set to minus however much you want to subtract from the Flashlight power every second. You can easily change how much the power drains depending if the flashlight is shining bright or not. For the UI of the Flashlight power, if you want to create something similar, I made a healthbar example a while ago.

As for the randomized keys I'd still have set positions of where the keys should spawn but you can randomize which ones would be active via the Random codeblock.

For the menu I recommend organizing the ui elements using the Groups codeblock, a bit unorthodox but it helps. You can create Variables and toggle certain UI elements depending on those Variables.

Forgive me if I didn't go into enough detail, this is a lot to write lol. But your game ideas sound awesome, the enemy variations reminds me of the Left 4 Dead 2 special zombies haha. Good luck :lol:
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