You're welcome.
We have deleted the duplicated obj files. There are some obj files that we didn't convert. We took only the obj files that were on the SWF you exported.
1. Is it generally better to use AWD and not OBJ format in Cyberix3D for non-animated objects?
Yes, because AWD files are ready to use on Cyberix3D engine and do not need to be parsed. it also takes less size and makes the loading faster.
2. In the original level setup I had rooms sliced into room-parts by texture (each room had from 5 to 6 parts using a single texture). After that I also sliced all parts that had over 3000 faces into even smaller parts so that they have less then 1500 faces each. Is this a good tactic? Should I maintain geometry to be under 1500 faces per object or is it better to have smaller number of objects and higher number of faces?
Slicing the rooms by texture is good because you can then share the same textures on different objects.
We don't know for sure if slicing the objects to 1500 faces each will increase performance. On one hand, all the objects that you don't see in the Camera frustum will not be rendered but on the other hand, the engine will have more objects to deal with. The best answer is to try both approaches and check the results. We will add a "Show FPS" and statistic soon, so you could check it for yourself.
3. I never worked with AWD but it seems that my (experimental) exports (with Away Builder) all had embedded textures. Should I try to export AWD files without textures in the future and is that even possible?
Embedded textures are not best practice because you are losing the benefit of sharing the same textures on different objects unless you are using one big object for the entire level, but that way you can't manipulate your submodels, nor implement PVS (Potential Visibility Set) architecture for your scene.
Maybe in the future, we will find a way to manipulate submodels and then it will be best to use one big model with embedded texture for the entire scene.
Thank you again for your hard work on the engine and for your assistance with my level and geometry
You're welcome. We are glad to help and we think that your project is innovative!