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BrickVillage Studio Beta

By Nice-c00lkidd
This is a alpha build of the BrickVillage studio! Cool isn't it? Well, This is still in progress.

Update Log:
v1.0: Added Menu and Baseplate.
v1.1: New skybox added but failed.
v1.2: Added Toolbox.
v1.3: CameraMenu added.
v1.4: New skybox.
v1.5: Car model added.
v1.6: Added Timer and Score.
v1.7: Updated GUI's and updated the font.
v1.8: Changed size of textures.
v1.9: Fixed CameraMenu's Up texture.
v2.0: Added Group, Ungroup, Duplicate, Baseplate changed, Timer and Score font changed.
v2.1: Edited place.
v2.1 Fixed: Map is back to the old one, File, Edit, Format, Insert, and View and witch place you are in now are there.
v2.2: Bridge It has been added.
v2.3: Changed the Bridge It platform color.  
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